A blast from the past:Be Specific When Praying....
I promised that i would be posting something every Friday.
I have to keep that promise. Before blogging started being popular, Facebook
had an all-popular segment called 'notes.’ It allowed you to post your thoughts
in a more detailed way. Anyway, that is not the point. This past week,
inspiration was zero. It must be the world cup hangover (Germany won. Thought i
should remind you.)Because i didn't write anything this week, i decided to
'pick' one of my favorite notes that has defined my relationship with Christ.
When i posted it about two years ago, it spoke to several people; i hope it
speaks to you. Next week, i will be back with fresh things.....
'And she was in
bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish. Then she made a
vow and said, 'O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of
Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will
give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the
days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head" (1 Samuel
It is nearing end year
when most of us if not of us we look back and reflect on the successes and
definitely the failures. Lately, I have been thinking about prayer, and of
being specific with God. I remember when i was praying for my job i was very
specific with God. I asked Him that i wanted a job I will be my own boss and
impact many people one I asked Him to give me one that required more of me and
less of experience. Guess what? Again, He granted. He hears, He answers but in
in His own time. Why? Because He is God and He is Faithful. Remember the story
of David being the least qualified to face Goliath? ‘God does not look at
qualification He qualifies you,’ I remember a preacher preaching once in my
church. God uses people to talk to us and sometimes He talks to us directly, in
this case, it was the former.
The job came, and on my
knees I was again, this time, I wanted to join university and start paying my
fees at 22, again, I was very specific at 22.Three months before i turned 23 i
joined USIU. Must admit it was one the best decision i ever made. Everything
about the school works. Ok, enough of the marketing. USIU is a great school,
believe me!
Knowing that my God
knows no boundaries, I dared to dream bigger. This time my prayer was to drive
at 23.Tell you what, The God i believe in and pray to is amazingly faithful. My
colleague had a car; my good friend had one too. So, driving i did; only that
it was not my car. My point, this time I forgot to tell God that want i wanted
to drive was my car. See my prayer was granted though not the way I thought I
had asked. You can obviously tell with this revelation my prayer has changed.
So, watch this space as my God swings to action as the new bar is at 25.Ooh
boy, it is just months away.
See, when you limit God
who made spilt the waters of red sea He works within your limitations. For
argument sake, someone would say, but He knows the desires of my heart. True,
He does, but thing is, He tells us ask and it will be given to you. The bible
tells us that, can a son ask for bread and His father gives him a stone? No.
Matthew 7:9-11 “Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are
evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your
Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!'
What am i trying to
tell us? God is not a God of confusion. He is God of specifics not
generalities. When God told Abraham to turn and he will see a ram, He was
specific where He wanted him to turn. When He told the children of Israel to
smear their doors with blood, Again, He was specific, the doors, it could have
been the whole house.
Now you must be
wondering why i started my post with the story of Hannah. When she prayed for a
baby, she asked God to give her a son. Her prayer to date is one of the
greatest prayers recorded in the bible as Samuel ended up anointing two Kings
of Israel including David.
My challenge to you is,
if God never changes. He was the same yesterday today and forever. Yours is to
put Him to task. If it’s a great man you want, tell Him what that great man should
be like. Not just pray for a great man. If is an amazing woman you want (like i
do,) ask Him. A proverbs 31 kinda woman.
Therefore, my friends,
when you pray to God be very specific with Him. Your prayer could be delaying
because you were too busy, lazy, uninspired or even ignorant that God is a God
of specifics.
What are you praying for?
Perhaps you might want to be specific. God is a God of the big things and the
Saved by grace, washed in His blood and living by
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