My Heart Waits!!

I have been saying for a while that I will start blogging.
Today I was feeling all inspired and somehow mushy,so I decided to write something.
It is an open secret that I have been single long enough,so for my first blog post, I thought of writing a poem about my kinda girl...

Enjoy..Comments are also welcome..

My heart waits…
My heart waits for that proverb 31 kinda girl,
The kinda girl who need me to see Christ first before I see her, because He comes first
A girl who will validate my day’s dreams when the world calls me a day dreamer
The girl who will pray with me and for me because like beans in pond, we share a common destiny
My heart waits

My heart waits for that girl who will go to church with me to seek Christ because it is only in Him we can stand
A girl who will not let the world give the terms and conditions of our love because HIS WORD spells all the terms  and only HIS standards are to be met
A girl who will make sure that she is well covered up, to avoid US trying to cover up our mistakes
A girl who will not allow my hands to walk down the isle of her chest before my legs walk down the isle of the temple
A girl who will not let our emotions set tempo of our relationship because our bodies are HIS temple.
My heart waits for a girl whose love just like the horizon, is endless
My heart waits!

My heart dampens every day I read stories of people have fallen out of love,
Stories of people who lusted thinking it would last,
But like a house on quick sand, the foundation was not going to hold.
Stories of people who met someone they considered ‘the one’ without consulting THE ONE
Believe me, without HIS seal of approval, the deal is not sealed
That is why my heart will wait to hear HIM speak

My heart Waits!


  1. I'll reluctantly admit that tears welled up in my eyes reading this. I love such stuff!

    1. Thanks for reading!
      Hope you endeavour to be one.
      Now be a frequent visitor..

  2. Thats a beautiful poem. I hope the One will read it one day."A girl who will not allow my hands to walk down the isle of her chest before my legs walk down the isle of the temple" thats the best line

    1. Thanks for reading and the feedback.
      I hope she does. ;)

  3. Woh! Thats a beautiful poem. Amen to that!

  4. Good stuff....nice blog, congratulations. The most difficult step is to take the first, "Keep Writing....Guka Writer!"

  5. Awesome! Awesome, Awesome!
    God is using u to reach out to those whose hearts will not be hardened.

  6. This is so beautiful Guka! Thank you for sharing. And may He fulfil your hearts desires, according to HIS will.

  7. Ha ha :)Weee mine also waits..:)


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